Physician Associate national examination (PANE) fees 2024

The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) delivers a range of exams and courses for doctors, physician associates (PA) and other healthcare professionals, for which it reviews fees on an annual basis. The RCP has also made a commitment to give exam candidates as much notice as possible of any proposed fee increases in order to help them plan for these changes.

The fees for 2024, by assessment period, are outlined below. The fee structure reflects the increasing costs of developing and delivering the PA national examination, balanced alongside the increasing cost of living pressures that we recognise people are experiencing in the UK.

Assessment fee

Assessment Type
















PANE fees are payable during the online application process. If candidates anticipate challenges in paying their examination fee, they should contact the RCP Assessment Unit at [email protected] immediately prior to applying to discuss the options available to them. 

Additionally, the Faculty of Physician Associates (FPA) launched the PANE pre-payment scheme in January 2023 to allow FPA PA student members to pay for their PANE in monthly instalments. The scheme enables FPA PA student members to spread the cost of the PANE, therefore avoiding the need to pay one lump sum when registering for the examination at the end of their 2-year PA programme.

The scheme has recently undergone further improvements following feedback from FPA PA student members. The changes and an updated FAQ document will shortly be available on the FPA website and shared directly with FPA PA student members.