Over 1000 PAs registered on the PAMVR

The Faculty of Physician Associates (FPA) and the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) are delighted to announce that there are now over 1000 Physician Associates (PAs) registered on the Physician Associate Managed Voluntary Register (PAMVR). This register, held exclusively by the FPA, allows employers to check whether an employee is a fully qualified and approved physician associate fit to practice within the UK.

Jeannie Watkins, President of the FPA, said:

 ‘This is fantastic news for both the Faculty and the wider NHS. Physician Associates have helped to alleviate some of the workforce pressures currently facing the NHS, bringing fresh skills and generalist knowledge that is recertified every six years. Most importantly, PAs play a pivotal role in providing continuous support and stability to patients in often stressful and difficult times, helping to deliver improved care in the longer term.

The support for the introduction of Physician Associates within primary and secondary care has been overwhelmingly positive from colleagues both within the medical profession, as well as Government. Following the news earlier this year that regulation for the profession is pending, it has never been a more exciting time to be a PA, in this truly versatile role. Here at the Faculty, we look forward to meeting, working with and supporting the next 1000 PAs in the UK.’

Professor Andrew Goddard, president of the RCP, said:

This is a truly significant milestone and we’re proud to have Physician Associates and the Faculty as part of our family, here at the RCP. PAs in particular play an important role in helping to ease the workforce shortages that are being felt across the UK. In the absence of regulation, the PAMVR not only sets standards for continuous learning and development, but helps to ensures patient safety in the long term – what our health service strives for every day.

With new personnel come new opportunities. The number of PAs are growing at rapid speed and I look forward to hearing more of their great work and welcoming the next collective to the fold.’